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About Divisions and Picklist Value Groups on Records

The following table summarizes the behavior of the Division and Picklist Value Group fields when users create and edit records. In all cases in this table, it is assumed that:

  • Each division is associated with a picklist value group.
  • Each user is associated with at least one division.
  • The Division field and the Picklist Value Group field are both present on the Detail page layout.

    Division Field Can Be Updated

    Picklist Value Group Field Can Be Updated

    When a User Creates a Record the Following Behavior Applies

    When a User Updates a Record the Following Behavior Applies



    • The Division field is populated with the primary division for the user who creates the record. The user can change the value in the Division field before saving the record.
    • The Picklist Value Group field is populated with the picklist value group for the division. The user can change the value in the Picklist Value Group field before saving the record.
    • The user can change the value in the Division field or the Picklist Value Group field.
    • If the user clears the Division field, then the Picklist Value Group field is automatically cleared.
    • If the user selects a different division, then the Picklist Value Group field is populated with the picklist value group for the new division.
    • If the user selects a different picklist value group or clears the Picklist Value Group field, then the Division field is not automatically changed.



    • The Division field is populated with the primary division for the user who creates the record. The user cannot change the value in the Division field.
    • The Picklist Value Group field is populated with the picklist value group for the division. The user can change the value in the Picklist Value Group field before saving the record.
    • The user cannot change the value in the Division field.
    • The user can change the value in the Picklist Value Group field.
    • If the user selects a different picklist value group or clears the Picklist Value Group field, then the Division field is not automatically changed.



    • The Division field is populated with the primary division for the user who creates the record. The user can change the value in the Division field before saving the record.
    • The Picklist Value Group field is populated with the picklist value group for the division. The user cannot change the value in the Picklist Value Group field on the record.
    • The user can change the value in the Division field.
    • The user cannot directly change the value in the Picklist Value Group field.
    • If the user clears the Division field, then the Picklist Value Group field is automatically cleared.
    • If the user selects a different division, then the Picklist Value Group field is populated with the picklist value group for the new division.



    • The Division field is populated with the primary division for the user who creates the record. The user cannot change the value in the Division field on the record.
    • The Picklist Value Group field is populated with the picklist value group for the division. The user cannot change the value in the Picklist Value Group field on the record.

    The user cannot change the value in the Division field or the Picklist Value Group field.

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