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The RowIdToRowNum function in Expression Builder converts an alphanumeric Row ID to a numeric format.

NOTE: Row IDs are generated by Oracle CRM On Demand using a proprietary algorithm, and have full referential integrity across the Oracle CRM On Demand database. The algorithm uses Base-36 encoding, a positional numeral system where the radix is 36. Using 36 as the radix allows the digits to be represented by the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-Z, which is an optimized, case-insensitive alphanumeric numeral system, based on ASCII characters.



Result Type



The following table describes the arguments for the function.




The string literal, field name, or expression that returns an alphanumeric row ID.

NOTE: The language-independent field names and the field-name syntax used in any example expressions in this topic are the field names and the field-name syntax that were used in Expression Builder in releases earlier than Release 29 Service Pack 1. These examples are still valid. However, if you select the corresponding fields for an expression from the Fields list in Expression Builder in Release 29 Service Pack 1 or later, then the field names and the field-name syntax will be different from those shown in the examples. It is recommended that you always select the fields for your expressions from the Fields list in Expression Builder, so that the field names and the field-name syntax are always correct. For more information about the field names and the field-name syntax in expressions, see About Expressions.


The following example:


returns the value 38-8021253.

The following example:


returns the value 38-57119344.

If the <AccountID> field contains '12-Y09KG', the following example:


returns the value 38-57119344.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related Expression Builder information:

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.