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Financial Account Holdings

Use the Financial Account Holding pages to create, update, and track financial products held by a specific financial account. Financial account holdings are typically the total of all financial account transactions of a single financial product for a financial account.

Financial account holdings enable you to know which financial products are held by each financial account. Financial account holdings can be used to track all types of financial products, such as the following:

  • Physical assets (for example, house, art, and car)
  • Financial instruments (for example, bond, stock, and mutual fund)
  • Financial services and loans (for example, mortgage, line of credit)
  • Any other instrument defined by you within financial products

Using financial account holdings, financial institutions can deliver summary information about customer financial accounts from their middle-office or back-office applications. This information provides views that are based on clients or households. Detailed information about the financial account holdings is available to you within Oracle CRM On Demand when you are managing the relationship with the client, such as the quantity, prices, performance, and important dates (such as the purchase date).

NOTE: Your company administrator determines which tabs are available to you. If your job responsibility does not include tracking financial account information, the Financial Account Holding tab might be excluded from your setup.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.