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HCP Contact Allocation Fields

Use the HCP Contact Allocation Edit page to add an HCP contact allocation or to update the details of an existing allocation. The HCP Contact Allocation Edit page shows the complete set of fields for an HCP contact allocation.

TIP: You can also edit HCP contact allocations on the HCP Contact Allocation List page and the HCP Contact Allocation Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. So, the information you see might differ from the standard information described in the online help.

The following table provides information regarding some of the HCP contact allocation fields.



HCP Contact Allocation ID

A unique ID generated by Oracle CRM On Demand for this record.


The type of allocation that you want to create. By default, the following allocation types are available for HCP contact allocations, but your company administrator can add or remove allocation types:

  • Detail Allocation
  • Sample Allocation
  • Sample Request Allocation
  • Promotional Item Allocation

Detail Allocation, Sample Allocation, Sample Request Allocation, and Promotional Item Allocation are designations that users create. They use them for filtering related item sections when managing samples.

CAUTION: You must not customize or change the order of the Type picklist for HCP Contact Allocation Field Setup because the cascading picklist functionality might be affected.

Product Name

The name of the product sample to be allocated to the HCP contact.

Contact Name

The name of the HCP contact for whom you want to specify the allocation.

Allocation Qty

The total number of samples of a specified product that the HCP contact can receive during the allocation period.

When initializing the HCP Contact Allocation record, set the value for the Allocation Qty field to be equal to the Qty Remaining field. Quantity fields must have integer values.

Qty Distributed

The number of samples of the specified product that have already been given to the contact during the allocation period.

When the HCP contact allocation is first created, the Qty Distributed field must be zero. Quantity fields must have integer values.

Qty Remaining

The number of samples of the specified product that remain available to be given to the specified HCP contact during the allocation period.

When initializing the HCP Contact Allocation record, set the value for the Qty Remaining field to be equal to the Allocation Qty field. Quantity fields must have integer values.

Start Date

The start date for this allocation.

End Date

The end date for this allocation.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information about HCP contact allocations:

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.