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Inventory Audit Report

Use the Inventory Audit Report pages to create and track inventory audit reports.

An inventory audit report is generated by Oracle CRM On Demand when a sales representative creates an interim or final audit count for the inventory period. Administrators and sales representatives can view previously submitted inventory counts (interim and final close-out periods) on the Inventory Audit Report List page.

The inventory audit report is a useful tool for sample compliance administrators to check that samples are being distributed appropriately by individual sales representatives. Inventory audit reports allow compliance administrators to meet certain regulatory requirements during the year. When the inventory audit report has been created you cannot change it.

NOTE: Your company administrator determines which tabs are available to you. If your job responsibility does not include tracking inventory audit report information, the Inventory Audit Report tab might be excluded from your setup.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.