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Requesting an Interim Inventory Count

When sales representatives return to their office, they are generally required to do a physical inventory count. They request an interim inventory count, which allows them to audit their inventory of samples and submit the information to the samples administrator. The samples administrator typically issues a requirement for a physical audit of inventory. The interim audit is based on corporate guidelines. An interim audit count is often performed as a special-case audit where potential fraud activity has occurred, or there appears to be a process issue with tracking the inventory. It acts as a checkpoint for the samples administrator.

You can count your physical inventory at any time during the active, unreconciled inventory period. Only active inventory periods are considered when you request an interim inventory count.

Before you begin. To request an interim inventory count, your user role must include the Enable Basic Samples Operations privilege.

To request an interim inventory count

  1. On the Inventory Period List page, drill down on the Start Date field to open the inventory period record on which you want to perform an audit.
  2. For each Sample Inventory line item, enter a value in the Physical Count field.

    The value that you enter in the Physical Count field must correspond to the physical quantities that you have on hand for each product.

  3. Click Interim Count.

    Then the following occurs:

    • The value in the Last Physical Count field changes to reflect the physical quantity value prior to your current physical quantity value. Then you can validate and compare the old physical count with the new physical count.
    • A new inventory audit report is created where all line items are copied over from the current inventory.
    • The current inventory period remains open.

      NOTE: The Interim Count button is enabled for inventory periods that are active only.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.