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Lead Conversion Administration

Users at your company can convert lead records to account, contact, and opportunity records. If your company is set up to use Oracle CRM On Demand Partner Relationship Management Edition, users can also convert lead records to deal registration records.

When users convert a lead record, they can do one of the following:

  • Create new account, contact, opportunity, or deal registration records, which are linked automatically to the lead record.
  • Link the lead record to existing account and contact records. Users select the records that they want to link to the lead when they convert the lead.

If you make the necessary options available in the lead conversion layouts, then users can also do the following:

  • Copy the members of the lead team to the team on the account, contact, and opportunity that are created or linked to the lead during the conversion process.
  • Link the lead’s associated custom object records to the account, contact, and opportunity that are created or linked to the lead during the conversion process.

You can determine which options are available to users on the Convert Lead page by creating lead conversion layouts for the page, and assigning these layouts to user roles.

In the standard application, some information from the lead record is carried over to the relevant fields in the account, contact, opportunity, and deal registration records that are created or linked to the lead during the conversion process. You can determine what information is carried over by configuring the following:

  • The mappings between the fields on the Lead record type and the Account, Contact, Deal Registration, and Opportunity record types. For more information, see Mapping Additional Fields During Lead Conversion.
  • The fields from the lead record that appear in the Opportunity and Deal Registration sections of the Convert Lead page. Users can edit the values of these fields on the Convert Lead page. These values are then carried over to the new opportunity or deal registration. For information about configuring which fields appear on the Convert Lead page, see Creating Lead Conversion Layouts.

    NOTE: Only the fields that are mapped to fields in the relevant record type are available to be added to the Convert Lead page layout. If a field that you want to add to the Convert Lead page is not already mapped to fields on the relevant record type, then you must map it before you can add it to the layout of the Convert Leads page. In addition, concatenated fields and fields of the Web Link field type are not available to be added to a lead conversion layout, even if such fields are mapped to fields on the relevant record type. The Associated Opportunity field and the Next Step field always appear in the Opportunity section of the Convert Lead page, and the Deal Registration Name field and the Principal Partner Account field always appear in the Deal Registration section. You cannot remove these fields from the page layout.

To convert leads, users must have the appropriate access to record types and the appropriate privileges in their role.

When users reject a lead, they must select a rejection code in the Reject Code field in the Reject a Lead page. A number of values are provided by default for the Reject Code field, but you can change these values or add more values to the list. For more information about the Reject Code picklist, see Reject Code for Leads.

Related Topics

For more information about lead conversion administration, see the following topics:

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.