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Adding Legends to Reports Using Legend View

Use the Legend view to document the meaning of special formatting used in a report, such as the meaning of custom colors applied to gauges.

For example, you may use conditional formatting in a report to show critical items in the color red and items that need attention in the color yellow. You can add a legend with text that documents the meaning of the colors and captions that summarize the appropriate action. You can use cosmetic formatting to make the background colors of the text match the colors in the conditional report.

To add or modify a legend view

  1. In Oracle CRM On Demand Answers, in the Create Layout page, perform one of the following actions:
    • To add a new legend view, click Add View, and select Legend.
    • To edit an existing legend view, click the Edit View button for the legend view.

      The workspace shows the legend view.

  2. In the Captions field, select where you want the caption to be displayed.

    The options are Right, Left, or None. If you do not want a caption to be displayed, select None.

  3. In the Legend Items per Row field, select the number of legend items that you want for each row.
  4. (Optional) Enter a title for the legend, such as Legend.
  5. In the first Caption text box, type the meaning of the condition, such as Requires Immediate Attention.
  6. In the first Sample Text text box, type the first condition you want to document, such as Critical.

    You can use the common formatting dialog box to set the background color, such as red. Entering text is optional. You can just set a background color if desired.

  7. To add another caption, click the Add Item button.
  8. When you finish adding captions, click OK.
  9. Save the report.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.