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Messaging Plan Fields

Use the Messaging Plan Edit page to add a messaging plan, or update details for an existing messaging plan. The Messaging Plan Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a messaging plan.

TIP: You can also edit messaging plans on the Messaging Plan List page and the Messaging Plan Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. So, the information you see might differ from the standard information described in the online help.

The following table provides additional information regarding some of the messaging plan fields.



Key Messaging Plan Information


The name of the messaging plan. (Required.)


The messaging plan category. Use the picklist to choose the type. (Required.)

The default values for Type are Product Launch, Targeted Message, Signature, and Call Objective Plan. Selecting a type can result in a different page layout from the default page layout for messaging plans if your administrator has set up dynamic page layouts for this record type. For example, selecting Call Objective Plan can result in a Call Objective page layout if your company administrator has set up dynamic page layouts. For more information on setting up dynamic page layouts for this record type, see Specifying Dynamic Page Layouts, and also see the topics about page layouts in Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.


The product associated with this messaging plan. Use the Lookup icon to select a product. (Required.)

NOTE: The Product field value on the child Messaging Plan Item, Messaging Plan Item Relations, and Message Response records must be the same as the Product value for the parent Messaging Plan. However, Oracle CRM On Demand does not enforce this requirement. You must manually ensure this value is the same on all the child PCD records as this parent Messaging Plan, or else you encounter data integrity issues. For example, if you have Product set to AAAA in the Messaging Plan and you update the Product field for a Messaging Plan Item using Web services from AAAA to BBBB, then the Messaging Plan Item would inaccurately describe product BBBB instead of product AAAA.


A free-text field that can be used to classify a messaging plan by intent, therapeutic area, or other organizationally defined classification.


The current status of the messaging plan. Possible status values are: Approved, In Progress, Rejected, Released, or Submitted. Use the picklist to select a status. (Required.)


Indicates that each constituent messaging plan item of the messaging plan has been verified to display properly and consequently has a verification status of Successful. If all the constituent messaging plan items have a verification status value of Successful, the Verify field is set to a value of Successful. Otherwise, the value is set to Failed. This field is set automatically by Oracle CRM On Demand.


The market segment (that is, the group of accounts) at which the messaging plan is targeted.

NOTE: The Primary Target Objective, Primary Segment, Secondary Target Objective, and Secondary Segment fields are not available by default. To add these fields to the Messaging Plan Detail page, contact your company administrator.

Primary Target Objective

Indicates the first objective of this messaging plan. Enter your objective, or click the Lookup icon, and select an objective from the list.

Primary Segment

Indicates the primary segment to associate with this messaging plan. The options are: White Collar, Blue Collar, Rural/Farming, Mass Retail, Mass Affluent, High Net Worth, Pentamillionaires, and Ultra-High Net Worth.

Secondary Target Objective

Indicates the second objective of this messaging plan. Enter your objective, or click the Lookup icon, and select an objective from the list.

NOTE: An error message is displayed when the primary objective and secondary objective are the same, and if a secondary objective is selected without a primary objective.

Secondary Segment

Indicates the secondary segment to associate with this messaging plan. The options are: White Collar, Blue Collar, Rural/Farming, Mass Retail, Mass Affluent, High Net Worth, Pentamillionaires, and Ultra-High Net Worth.

NOTE: An error message is displayed when the primary segment and secondary segment are the same, and if a secondary segment is selected without a primary segment.


(Required.) The user who owns the messaging plan record. By default, this field is set to the user who created the messaging plan. Use the Lookup icon to change the owner.

Start Date

The date when the messaging plan becomes visible (MM/DD/YYYY). Use the Calendar icon to select the date.

Expiration Date

The date when the messaging plan is deactivated (MM/DD/YYYY). Use the Calendar icon to select the date.

Release Date

The date when this content can be used in Personal Content Delivery (PCD), (MM/DD/YYYY). Use the Calendar icon to select the date.

Disclosure Mandatory

This check box indicates that a disclosure message must be presented at the beginning of this messaging plan. (Required.)

Enable Followup

This check box is intended for future use.

Lock Sequence

This check box is not used in the current release of Oracle CRM On Demand. (Required.)

Product Indication

A combination of a symptom or malady and the specific product or drug that alleviates the symptom or malady. Typically, a pharmaceutical sales representative details the product indication during a call with a health practitioner. For more information, see Product Indications.

NOTE: This field is not set up by default. If you require this field, then contact your company administrator to set it up.

Additional Messaging Plan Information


The description of the targeted audience for this messaging plan.


Any general comments on this messaging plan.


The description of this messaging plan record.

NOTE: The following fields are used only with the Oracle CRM On Demand Disconnected Mobile Sales application, and do not appear by default. They must be set up by your company administrator.

Disable Navigation

Select this check box to disable the forward and backward buttons in the electronic detailer application for Oracle CRM On Demand Disconnected Mobile Sales, where customers implement their own navigation. The check box is deselected by default.

Disable Response

Select this check box to indicate that message responses are disabled for this message plan. The check box is deselected by default.

Default Menu Bar Control

Select this check box to indicate the use of the default tap menu bar in the electronic detailer application for Oracle CRM On Demand Disconnected Mobile Sales. The check box is deselected by default.

Related Information

See the following topics for related messaging plan information:

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.