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Messaging Plan Item Relations Fields

Use the Messaging Plan Item Relations Edit page to add a messaging plan item relation, or update details for an existing messaging plan item relation. The Messaging Plan Item Relations Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a messaging plan item relation.

TIP: You can also edit messaging plan item relations on the Messaging Plan Item Relations List page and the Messaging Plan Item Relations Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. So, the information you see might differ from the standard information described in the online help.

The following table provides additional information regarding some of the Messaging Plan Item Relations fields.



Key Messaging Plan Item Relations Information


The name of the messaging plan item relation.

Display Name

The name used to display the messaging plan item relation in the messaging plan.

Parent MP Item

The parent messaging plan item for which this messaging plan item relation provides the optional backup or detailed information. (Required.)


The product associated with the parent messaging plan. Use the Lookup icon to select a product. (Required.)

NOTE: The Product field value must be the same as the parent Messaging Plan record. However, Oracle CRM On Demand does not enforce this requirement. You must ensure this value is the same as the parent Messaging Plan manually. If you do not, then you encounter data integrity issues. For example, if you have the Product field set to AAAA in the Messaging Plan, and if you update the Product field from AAAA to BBBB in any of the child PCD records (Messaging Plan Item, Messaging Plan Item Relations, or a Message Response) by using Web services, then the child PCD record describes product BBBB incorrectly, instead of product AAAA.


A brief description of the contents for this item.


The messaging plan item relation category. Use the picklist to select a type. (Required.)

The default values for Type are as follows: Message Plan Item, Attachment, Related, Detail, and Next Call Objective. Selecting a type can result in a different page layout from the default page layout for Messaging Plan Item Relations if your administrator has set up dynamic page layouts for this record type. For example, selecting Next Call Objective can result in a Next Call Objective page layout if it is set up by your administrator. For more information on setting up dynamic page layouts for this record type, see Specifying Dynamic Page Layouts and also see the topics about page layouts in Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Solution Name

The name of the multimedia or graphic file content on which the messaging plan item relation is based.

Before Release 23, the Solution field was a required field by default. However, for Release 23, this field is no longer required by default. However, if your company has customized the page layout for this record type that occurred before Release 23, then the Solution field remains a required field for those customized layouts. To change this field to Not Required, your company administrator must deselect the Required check box for the Solution field that was set up in the customized page layout for this record type. For more information on field setup, see Creating and Editing Fields.


A brief description for the item.

Related Information

See the following topics for related information about messaging plan item relations:

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.