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Related Disclaimer Fields

Use the Related Disclaimer Edit page to create a related disclaimer or to update details for an existing related disclaimer. The Related Disclaimer Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a related disclaimer. Related disclaimers are child records of a sample disclaimer.

NOTE: Related disclaimers apply only to multilingual disclaimers.

The Related Disclaimers section in a multilingual sample disclaimer contains the set of related disclaimers for a particular country. Any changes that you make to the related disclaimer updates the value for the Modified field on the parent sample disclaimer record. If a business process for a sample disclaimer is configured, then you can create a new, related disclaimer, or you can edit an existing one until the parent record is activated. At this point, the entire disclaimer, including its related disclaimers, becomes read-only.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. So, the information you see might differ from the standard information described in the online help.

The following table provides information regarding some of the related disclaimer fields.



Key Disclaimer Information

Disclaimer Text

The disclaimer text that you want to insert, in the appropriate language.

NOTE: Oracle CRM On Demand customers must translate disclaimer texts into the languages that they require. Oracle CRM On Demand does not translate this text.

This field has a maximum of 1000 characters. It is a required field.


The language for the disclaimer text, for example, Spanish. Select the language by using the Language selector. This field must have a unique value for each related disclaimer; that is, different related disclaimers must contain different language settings. Adding a duplicate value in this field results in an error message.

This field is required.

Default Language

The default language for a multilingual sample disclaimer, for example, English-American. Selecting the default language for a related disclaimer sets the default language for the sample disclaimer.

Record Information


The user who created the Related Disclaimer record, along with the date and timestamp when created.


The user who modified the Related Disclaimer record, along with the date and timestamp when modified.

Related Information

See the following topics for related information about sample disclaimers:

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.