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About the Reports To and Reports To (Alias) Fields on User Records

The manager information on a user record is used in the reporting hierarchy and in forecasting. One of the following fields must be present on each page layout of the User Admin or Partner Admin layout type so that you can specify a manager for the user:

  • Reports To. This field shows the full name of the user's manager.
  • Reports To (Alias). This field shows the short identifier for the user's manager.

However, when you create your user page layouts, you must not add both of these fields to the same user page layout. If the Reports To field and the Reports To (Alias) field were both made available on a page layout, then any user whose role has that page layout assigned to it cannot use the inline edit feature in lists of user records or in user detail pages.

Similarly, do not add both the Reports To field and the Reports To (Alias) field to the same search layout for the user record type. If both of these fields are made available on a search layout, then any user whose role has that search layout assigned to it cannot search for user records; that is, the search fails.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.