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Setting Up User Visibility to Shared Report Folders

By default, all user roles have visibility to each shared folder. You can override the default by manually linking specific roles to individual folders. However, if you manually link a user role to a folder, Oracle CRM On Demand revokes visibility for all other user roles (except the Administrator role) to that folder. You must continue to manually link each role that should have visibility.

If you link a role to a folder with subfolders, then the role is also linked to all its subfolders. To change this, navigate to the subfolder and make any needed changes. For each folder, the access level that is assigned to your user role controls your permissions in that folder. The access level permissions are as follows:

  • Read. (Default) You can open and display reports in the folder.
  • Change/Delete. You can display, edit, and delete reports in the folder, as well as create new folders and rename subfolders within the current folder. However, you cannot rename the current folder using this access level.

Your access level also controls the Manage Analyses, Open Analysis, and Save Analysis actions as shown in the following table.



Manage Analyses

  • Read. You can display only the contents. You cannot enable any actions.
  • Change/Delete. You can create new folders and copy, delete, move, and rename reports.

Open Analysis

This action shows only the nonempty folders for which your user role has a Read or Change/Delete access level.

Save Analysis

You can save reports to only those folders for which your user role has the Change/Delete access level.

The Administrator role has visibility to all folders at all times. Consequently, the Administrator role cannot be manually linked to or removed from a folder. Any custom role created by copying the Administrator role inherits this same visibility to all folders at all times, regardless of whether or not the role is manually linked to or unlinked from folders.

The Manage Custom Reports analytics privilege enables a user role to create and save custom reports in any report folder regardless of whether the individual user has visibility access to folders.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Manage Content privilege.

To set up user visibility to a shared report folder

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page in Oracle CRM On Demand (not Oracle CRM On Demand Answers), click the Admin global link.
  2. On the Admin Homepage, in the Content Management section, click the Content Management link.
  3. On the Content Management page, in the Report Folders section, click the Shared Custom Analyses link.

    The Folders List page displays all subfolders for the Shared Custom Analyses parent folder.

    NOTE: All users have visibility to the Shared Custom Analyses root folder.

  4. Select a folder, as follows:
    • If the folder where you want to set up visibility is a top-level folder, click the folder name.
    • If the folder where you want to set up visibility is a subfolder, click the Subfolders link for the parent folder until you reach the appropriate folder, then click the folder name.
  5. To give certain roles visibility to the folder:
    1. On the Folder Details page, click Add Roles.
    2. Click the Lookup icon next to each Role field to link user roles.
    3. Choose an Access Level (either Read or Change/Delete) from the drop down menu.
    4. Click Save.
  6. To remove a role that was previously given visibility to the folder:
    1. On the Folder Details page, in the record-level menu for the role, select Remove.
    2. Click OK.
  7. To edit the access level for a role that was previously given visibility to the folder:
    1. On the Folder Details page, in the record-level menu for the role, select Edit.
    2. On the Edit Role Access page, modify the Access Level.
    3. Click Save.

      TIP: When you set visibility for a subfolder, you can click the folder name in the Parent Folder field to return to the Folder Details page for the parent folder.

Sharing Private Reports

Visibility to the user's My Analyses private reports folder is restricted to the Oracle CRM On Demand session user only. The My Analyses folder contains reports created by the user and then stored as private. Users who have the Manage Custom Reports privilege can share Private reports with others by saving them in the Company Wide Shared Folder.

To share a private report

  1. In Oracle CRM On Demand, click the Reports tab.
  2. On the Reports Homepage, in the Custom Reports and Analyses section, click Design Analyses to open Oracle CRM On Demand Answers.
  3. In Oracle CRM On Demand Answers, click Open Analysis.
  4. In the Open Analysis dialog box, navigate to the analysis, select it, and click OK.
  5. In the Build and View Analysis page, click Save.
  6. In the Save Analysis dialog box, select a destination folder (such as Company Wide Shared Folder) within the Shared Folders folder, and click OK.

About Sharing and Hiding Prebuilt Reports

Prebuilt reports are shared to all company users.

The Access Analytics Reports - View Prebuilt Analyses privilege controls whether or not shared prebuilt analyses are exposed to users for specific roles. If Access Analytics Reports - View Prebuilt Analyses is enabled for a user role, all shared prebuilt analyses appear on their Reports tab. If the privilege is not enabled for the user role, then all prebuilt analyses are hidden.

To hide specific shared prebuilt reports and display others, deselect the Access Analytics Reports - View Prebuilt Analyses privilege. This hides all shared prebuilt reports. Then to share specific prebuilt reports, go to Oracle CRM On Demand Answers, open the report that you want to share, and save it in a shared folder within Company Wide Shared Folder. Configure the shared folder visibility as needed.

NOTE: The Access Analytics Reports - View Prebuilt Analyses privilege determines whether or not you have access to prebuilt reports. If you do not have this privilege enabled, regardless of where you access the reports from, such as the Reports tab, Homepage, dashboard, Web applet, or Web tab, the reports are not displayed, and you might get an error message.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.