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Reviewing the Audit Trail for Administration Configuration Changes

You can review the audit trail changes that administrators make to field setup, roles, books, access profiles, REST integration tag names, and previous owner customization.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Access Master Audit Trail privilege and the Admin Configuration Audit privilege.

To review the audit trail for administration configuration changes

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Company Administration section, click the Company Administration link.
  3. In the Company Audit section, click the Admin Configuration Audit link.

    The Admin Configuration Audit table displays the following values:

    • ID#. The table row ID.
    • Record Type. The record type being audited.
    • Record Name. The name of the record being audited.
    • Source IP Address. The IP address of the computer on which the configuration change took place.

      NOTE: This value is displayed only when this information is available.

    • Session Type. This value indicates if the session was interactive or a Web services session.
    • Last Name. The user’s last name.
    • First Name. The user’s first name.
    • User Sign In ID. The user's login ID.
    • Operation. The type of configuration that was performed, for example, create, delete, or modify.
    • Field Modified. The field modified in the object.
    • Old Value. The previous value of the field.
    • New Value. The new value of the field. For example, if you change the value of the service request priority field from Low to High, then the Old Value field remains as Low, and the New Value field is High. If you delete a record, the Old Value field remains blank, and the New Value field changes to Record Deleted.
    • Date. The date when the object was last audited.

For more information about the audit trail, see Customizing the Audit Trail.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.