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About Field Setup and Page Layouts for Record Ownership Modes

Starting with Release 20, Oracle CRM On Demand provides three modes of record ownership for most of the record types that support books: user mode, book mode, and mixed mode. For existing companies that were created in Release 19 or earlier releases of Oracle CRM On Demand, user mode is the default record ownership mode for the record types that support the three modes of record ownership except for the Service Request record type, which is configured in mixed mode by default. For new companies, mixed mode is the default record ownership mode for the record types that support the three modes of record ownership. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Record Ownership Modes.

The record ownership mode for a record type is determined by the configuration of the Owner field and the Book field on the record type, and the page layouts for the record type must reflect the record ownership mode. The following table shows the configuration of the Owner field and the Book field for each of the record ownership modes. For information about setting up fields, see Creating and Editing Fields.

Record Ownership Mode

Owner Field Set to Required

Book Field Set to Required

Other Configuration Details

User Mode




Book Mode



(Optional) Set the Owner field to Read-Only.

Mixed Mode




The following table shows the page layout information for each of the record ownership modes. For information about customizing page layouts, see Customizing Static Page Layouts and Specifying Dynamic Page Layouts.

Record Ownership Mode

Page Layout Configuration

User Mode

The Owner field must be present and must be a required field on each of the Detail page layouts that are used for the record type.

If the Book field is present on the Detail page layouts, then it must not be a required field.

Book Mode

The Book field must be present and must be a required field on each of the Detail page layouts that are used for the record type.

If the Owner field is present on the Detail page layouts, then it must not be a required field.

Mixed Mode

The Detail page layouts for the record type can optionally contain the Owner field, or the Book field, or both. The Owner field and the Book field must not be required fields on the page layouts.

NOTE: It is possible to specify either the Owner field or the Book field as a required field on a page layout for a record type, even if the record type is configured in mixed mode. If the Owner field is required, then the Owner field is blank by default when a user opens a New record page, but the user must select an owner for the record before saving the record. The Book field then shows the name of the user book for the record owner. If the Book field is required on the page layout, then the user must select a primary custom book before saving the record. However, if you want the record type to be fully in mixed mode, then do not specify either the Owner field or the Book field as a required field on any page layout for the record type.

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