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Acknowledging Full Receipt of a Samples Transfer

Oracle CRM On Demand supports the electronic movement of sample inventory. For more information, see Creating a Samples Transfer. Samples are routed to a recipient who must then acknowledge receipt of the samples before Oracle CRM On Demand can transfer the new inventory into the recipient's active inventory period.

End users can acknowledge full receipt of a samples transfer as described in the following procedure, or partial receipt of a samples transfer as described in Acknowledging Partial Receipt of a Samples Transfer.

When acknowledging receipt of a samples transfer, if the end user does not already have records corresponding to the sample product, sample lot, or inventory period associated with the sample inventory being transferred, then Oracle CRM On Demand creates these records accordingly.

Before you begin. To acknowledge receipt of a samples transfer, your user role must include the Enable Basic Samples Operations privilege.

To acknowledge full receipt of a samples transfer

  1. On the Sample Transaction Homepage, click Received Transactions in the Sample Transaction List section.
  2. On the Sample Transaction List page, drill down on the Name field to open the transaction that you want to acknowledge.

    The transaction that you open must be of type Transfer In and have a status of In Transit.

  3. Review the details of the transaction, and in the Transaction Items section, enter values in the Received Quantity fields to reflect the quantity of sample products received.

    The Shipped Qty field shows the quantity of items shipped and is a read-only field.

  4. Click Acknowledge.

    If there is no difference between the received and shipped quantities, then the status of the transaction changes to Processed, and you have acknowledged full receipt of the samples transfer.

    If there is a difference between the received and shipped quantities, then you have the option to either close the transaction with a discrepancy, or keep the transaction open with a status of Partially Received. For more information, see Acknowledging Partial Receipt of a Samples Transfer.

NOTE: The quantities of samples transferred do not appear in end users inventory counts until they acknowledge receipt of the samples.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.