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Creating Lost and Found Sample Transactions

Sales representatives can record any lost or found sample transactions that they notice in their inventory by creating new lost and found sample transaction records.

Before you begin. To create lost and found sample transactions, your user role must include the Enable Basic Samples Operations privilege and the Enable Samples Adjustment privilege.

To create a new lost or found sample transaction record

  1. On the Sample Transaction List page, click New.
  2. On the Sample Transaction Edit page, set Transaction Type to Inventory Adjustment.
  3. Enter a reason in the Reason field, for example: Lost or Found.
  4. Complete the remaining fields on the Sample Transaction Edit page as required, and then click Save.

    For more information about the fields on this page, see Sample Transaction Fields.

  5. Add at least one Transaction Item line item.

    For more information, see Adding Transaction Items to a Sample Transaction.

  6. Click Submit.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.