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Adjusting an Existing Inventory Adjustment Record

You can adjust any transaction of any type that has a transaction status of Processed. After an existing transaction has been processed, you cannot adjust it again. You must create a new adjustment record, see Creating a New Inventory Adjustment Record.

Before you begin. To adjust existing inventory adjustment records, your user role must include the Enable Basic Samples Operations privilege and the Enable Samples Adjustment privilege.

To adjust an existing inventory adjustment record

  1. On the Sample Transaction List page, open a transaction of type Inventory Adjustment with a transaction status of Processed.
  2. Add or modify the books associated with the record, as required.
  3. Click Adjust.

    This step creates a new transaction of type Inventory Adjustment with a status of In Progress.

    All transaction item line items are copied to the new record. Any book information associated with the original transaction is copied to the new transaction.

  4. Modify the key transaction information, as required.

    For more information about the fields in this section of the page, see Sample Transaction Fields.

  5. Modify the transaction items, as required.

    For example, you can modify the quantity for an existing transaction item line item, add a new transaction item line item, or delete an existing transaction item line item. For more information about the fields in this section of the page, see Transaction Item Fields.

  6. Click Submit to submit the new inventory adjustment transaction record.

    If there are no errors, the status of the new inventory transaction record changes to Submitted.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.