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Downloading Segmentation Wizard

Segmentation Wizard contains the Target Builder toolbar, which is used to create contact segments using data from Oracle CRM On Demand. The following procedure describes how to download Segmentation Wizard (an Excel file).

To download Segmentation Wizard

  1. Click the Training and Support link at the top of Oracle CRM On Demand, and sign in to My Oracle Support.

    If you already have an account, you can sign in to My Oracle Support without registering. If you do not have an account, you must register as a new user before you sign in.

  2. In the Support tab, click Add-On Applications.
  3. In the Add-On Applications page, click Segmentation Wizard.
  4. Follow the instructions provided on the Web page to download the file.
  5. Save the file to a local directory.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.