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Setting Up Your Calendar

This topic describes how to set up your calendar through the My Setup global link.

When setting up your default calendar view, you can do the following:

  • Select the calendar view that you want to display each time that you click the Calendar tab.
  • Specify which day is shown as the first day of the week in your calendar and in the date selectors where you select values for date fields in Oracle CRM On Demand.
  • Select the days of the week and the business hours that you want to show in your calendar, if you do not want to use the company-wide settings.

    By default, all of the check boxes for the days of the week are deselected, and the Business Hours Start Time and Business Hours End Time fields are blank. When specifying business hours, you can enter only one start time and one end time. You cannot specify different business hours for individual work days. If you enter a start time for your business hours, then you must also enter an end time, and the end time must be later than the start time. Similarly, if you enter an end time, then you must also enter a start time. If necessary, Oracle CRM On Demand converts the start time and end time that you enter to the appropriate format for your locale after you save your changes.

    In the calendar, the time slots can start and end on the hour if you use a classic theme, and the time slots can start and end on the hour or half-hour if you use a modern calendar. For the calendar views, Oracle CRM On Demand rounds the start time for the business hours down to the nearest hour or half-hour as appropriate, and rounds the end time for the business hours up to the nearest hour or half-hour. For example, if you enter 08:40 A.M. as your start time, then Oracle CRM On Demand rounds the start time down to 08:00 A.M. for the calendar views if you use a classic theme, and rounds it down to 08:30 A.M. if you use a modern theme. If you enter 5:40 P.M. as your end time, then Oracle CRM On Demand rounds the end time up to 06:00 P.M. for the calendar views in either a classic theme or a modern theme.

    For information about how the work days and business hours are shown in your calendar views, see About Calendar Work Days and Business Hours.

  • Select additional information to display in the appointments in your calendar views. By default, the information from the Subject, Location, and Contact Name fields in the appointment is shown in the appointments in the calendar views. You can choose to display the following additional information:
    • The name of the account that is linked to the appointment. The account name is a link to the account record.
    • The status of the appointment.
    • The phone number of the primary contact that is linked to the appointment. The phone number is a link to the contact record. If the Work Phone field is populated on the contact record, then the work phone number is shown. If the Work Phone field is not populated on the contact record, and if the Cellular Phone field is populated, then the cellular phone number is shown.
  • Specify whether you want to receive reminders for activities that you own or on which you are included in the list of users, if reminders are configured on the activities. The options in the Activity Notification field are as follows:
    • None. If you select this option, then you do not receive any reminders.
    • Email. If you select this option, then you receive the email reminders.
    • Pop-up Reminder. If you select this option, then the reminders are displayed in the Activity Reminder pop-up window when you are signed in to Oracle CRM On Demand.
    • Email and Pop-up Reminder. If you select this option, then you receive the email reminders and the reminders are also displayed in the Activity Reminder pop-up window when you are signed in to Oracle CRM On Demand.
    • Blank. If you leave the Activity Notification field blank, then the option that is selected in the Activity Notification field at company level applies to you. The default option at company level is None, but your administrator can select a different option.

To set up your calendar, complete the steps in the following procedure. For more information on calendars, see Calendar and Activities.

Before you begin. To share your calendar with another user or to set up custom group calendar views, your user role must include the Share Calendar privilege.

To set up your calendar

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the My Setup global link.
  2. In the Calendar Setup section, click Calendar Settings.
  3. To set up your default calendar view, do the following:
    1. Click Default Calendar View.
    2. Select a calendar view.
    3. Select the day that is to be shown as the first day of the week in your calendar.

      By default, the Calendar Week Starts On field is blank. If you leave this field blank, then the company-wide setting for the first day of the week is used.

      NOTE: After you change the start day of the week, you must sign out of Oracle CRM On Demand and then sign in again to see the change in your calendar and in the date selectors where you select values for date fields in Oracle CRM On Demand.

    4. In the Calendar Work Week section, set up the work days and the business hours for your calendar, as follows:
      • Select the check box for each day that you want to show as a work day in your calendar. If you select the check box for one or more days, then only those days are shown as work days in your daily and weekly user calendar views, regardless of the work days that are specified at company level. If the check boxes for all days are deselected, then the work days that are specified at company level apply to your calendar.
      • If you want to specify a start time for your business hours that is different from the time specified at company level, then enter the start time in the Business Hours Start Time field.
      • If you specified a start time for your business hours, then enter the end time in the Business Hours End Time field. The end time must be later than the start time.

        NOTE: If you do not enter a start time and an end time for the business hours, then the business hours that are specified at company level apply to your calendar.

    5. In the Appointment Information Preferences section, select the check boxes for the additional information that you want to display in the appointments in your calendar views.
    6. In the Activity Notification field, select the option that you want, or leave the field blank if you want the setting at company level to apply to you.
    7. Save your changes.
  4. To share your calendar with another user:
    1. Click Share Calendar.
    2. In My Calendar Share List, click Add Users.
    3. In the Grant New Users window, use the Lookup icon to add users with whom you want to share your calendar.
  5. To set up custom group calendar views:
    1. Click Manage Group Views.
    2. In My Custom Views, click Add.
    3. Complete the fields in the Manage View window, and then save the record.

      Setting up custom group calendar views allows you to manage your view to other users availability. When you create a new appointment, go to the Group Calendar tab and select the Calendar group you or your company administrator created to view availability.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.