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Sample Lot Fields

Use the Sample Lot Edit page to add a sample lot or update details for an existing sample lot. The Sample Lot Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a sample lot.

TIP: You can also edit sample lots on the Sample Lot List page and the Sample Lot Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. So, the information you see might differ from the standard information described in the online help.

The following table provides information regarding some of the sample lot fields.



Lot Number

The specified manufacturing lot number for the product.


The name of the sample product.

NOTE: When creating a new sample lot record, only products that are categorized as samples (that is, products of the category type, Samples Dropped) can be entered in this field.

Start Date

The date that the sample lot became available.

Expiration Date

The date that the sample lot expires.

Short Days

The number of days for which the samples administrator has determined to stop sampling, prior to the expiration date. This numeric value is used in the calculation of the cut-off date.

CutOff Date


The calculated date on which the sample lot is no longer valid to drop. This date is calculated by Oracle CRM On Demand by subtracting the number of short days from the expiration date.

NOTE: You may see the field name CutOff_Date instead of CutOff Date according to what has been set up by your company administrator. CutOff_Date is used if you require date processing in your application, for example, in Oracle CRM On Demand Disconnected Mobile Sales. CutOff Date is the text version of CutOff_Date.


This is a read-only field, which indicates whether the sample can be fulfilled. The possible values are as follows:

  • Good. Indicates that the current date is before the cut-off date
  • Expired. Indicates that the current date is after the expiration date
  • Short Dated. Indicates that the current date is between the expiration date and cut-off date

Inventory by Lot

A check box that indicates whether the sample lot is being tracked on a lot number basis in the inventory. The company administrator defines this field.

  • If selected, then this sample lot will be tracked by lot number in the inventory.
  • If not selected, then this sample lot will not be tracked by lot number in the inventory.

Sample: Part #

The sample product number.


A general description of the sample lot.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information about sample lots:

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