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Translating Web Applet and Custom Report Names

Depending on the setting of the Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box on the company profile, you might be able to enter translated names for the following types of applets:

  • Custom Web applets, including global Web applets and Web applets for record types
  • Applets that display custom reports on record-type homepages
  • Applets that display custom reports on My Homepage

If the Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box is deselected on the company profile, then you cannot enter translated names for these types of applets.

If the Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box is selected on the company profile, then the behavior is as follows for these types of applets:

  • The Translation Language field is available when you view a list of the applets. You can create applets only if the language that is selected in the Translation Language field is the default language for the company. After you create a new applet, the applet name appears in blue font and within brackets in every language other than the default language for the company. You can then edit the applet to enter the translated versions of the applet name.
  • The Mark for Translation check box is available in the pages where you edit the applets. If you change the name of the applet in the default language for the company, then you can use the Mark for Translation check box to indicate whether the translated versions of the applet name are to be replaced by the updated name, or whether they are to remain unchanged. If you select the Mark for Translation check box, then the updated applet name appears in the default font in the default company language, and it also appears in blue font and within brackets in every other language until you enter the translated name for the language. If you do not select the Mark for Translation check box when you update the applet name in the default company language, then the applet name changes in the default company language, but the translated applet names are not changed.

NOTE: When you first create an applet, the Mark for Translation check box is selected and read-only. The Mark for Translation check box is effective only when you update an existing applet. In addition, the Mark for Translation check box is read-only if you select any language other than the default language for the company in the Translation Language field in the list of applets before you edit the applet.

The following procedure describes how to enter a translated version of an applet name.

To enter a translated version of an applet name

  1. Navigate to the List page for the applets.
  2. In the List page for the applets, in the Translation Language field, select the language for which you want to enter a translated name.
  3. Click the Edit link for the applet.
  4. In the Name field, enter the translated name for the applet.
  5. Save your changes.

Repeat this procedure for each language as necessary.

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