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Modifying the Sample in a Transaction Item

Use the Product Edit page to modify the sample in a transaction item. The Product Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a product.

Before you begin. To modify samples in a transaction item, your user role must include the Enable Basic Samples Operations privilege.

To modify the sample in a transaction item

  1. On the Sample Transaction List page, drill down on the Name field to open the transaction record that you want.

    NOTE: The transaction record that you open must have a status of In Progress. Transactions that have a status of Submitted cannot be modified.

  2. On the Sample Transaction Detail page, go to the Transaction Item line item that you want to modify.
  3. In the Sample field of the Transaction Item line item, click the Lookup icon to select a different sample to associate with the Transaction Item line item, if required.
  4. In the Sample field of the Transaction Item line item, click the name of the sample, click Edit on the Product Details page, and then modify the fields as required.

    For more information, see Product Fields.

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.