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Viewing Pending Instances in the Workflow Wait Monitor

The following procedure describes how to view pending instances in the Workflow Wait Monitor. For information about what is recorded and displayed in the Workflow Wait Monitor, see Workflow Wait Monitor and Workflow Pending Instance Fields.

Before you begin: To use the workflow monitors, your user role must have the Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules privilege.

To view a pending instance in the Workflow Wait Monitor

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Business Process Management section, click Workflow Monitor.
  3. On the Workflow Monitor page, click Workflow Wait Monitor.
  4. On the Pending Instances List page, find the instance that you want.

    TIP: For information about filtering lists, see Filtering Lists.

  5. To view details of an instance, click the Instance ID link.
  6. To view details of the workflow action of which the record is an instance, click the Workflow Name link.

The following procedure describes how to create a filtered list of pending instances.

To create a filtered list of pending instances

  • On the Pending Instances List page, click Menu in the title bar, and select Create New List.

    For more information about creating and refining lists, see Creating and Refining Lists.

The following procedure describes how to manage filtered lists of pending instances.

To manage lists of pending instances

  • On the Pending Instances List page, click Menu in the title bar, and select Manage Lists Page.

    For more information about managing lists, see Manage Lists Page.

The following procedure describes how to view the filter for a list of pending instances.

To view the filter for a list of pending instances

  • On the Pending Instances List page, click Menu in the title bar, and select Show List Filter.

    For more information about list filters, see View List Page.

For more information about using the Workflow Wait Monitor, see the following topics:

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information about workflow rules:

Published 1/9/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.