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Using SSO with the Oracle CRM On Demand REST API

The Oracle CRM On Demand REST API Single Sign-On (SSO) feature is a session and user authentication process that allows you to enter one name and password in order to access multiple applications, without having to enter your log-on credentials a second time. You can use the REST API Single Sign-On (SSO) feature to initiate an Oracle CRM On Demand server session and to manage user credentials and authentication. The REST API SSO login feature uses the Oracle CRM On Demand SSO login mechanism. For more information about Oracle CRM On Demand SSO, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Before you can use the Oracle CRM On Demand REST API SSO feature to log into Oracle CRM On Demand, you need to do the following:

  • Verify whether your company is configured to use the Oracle CRM On Demand SSO feature by checking the Authentication Type value set in your company profile and verify that the Authentication Type is set to Single Sign-On Only or User ID/PWD or Single Sign-On. For more information about the Authentication Type setting in the Oracle CRM On Demand company profile, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.
  • Verify that your company is configured for SSO logon for Oracle CRM On Demand by checking the ITS URL for SSO Authentication value in your company profile. The SAML Intersite Transfer Service URL is used for signing in to Oracle CRM On Demand and the company administrator sets this value. Contact Oracle CRM On Demand Customer Care to obtain an SSO worksheet that contains instructions for setting the ITS URL.
  • If your company is configured to use Oracle CRM On Demand SSO, you will need the External Identifier for Single Sign-On value set in your company profile. For more information about the External Identifier for Single Sign-On setting in your company profile, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

You can request a SSO Oracle CRM On Demand server session by sending an HTTP GET or POST request specifying the SSO ID to the following URL:


The Oracle CRM On Demand server returns the ITS URL value, which can then be used in a prompt for authentication credentials.

Oracle CRM On Demand REST API Developer's Guide, Release 34 Revision A Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.