Viewing Report Details, Run History, Report Edit History and Distribution List

To view details of a report:

  1. From the Reports page, select a report.
  2. Select the Gear icon and choose View Details. Or Select a report and expand the bottom Pane (View report details).
  3. Select the Details tab.
  4. To view the run history, select the Last 5 Runs tab. Note, the run history is specific to the logged in user.
  5. Select the Distribution List tab to view a list of users the report was emailed to, and the status of their subscription. From this tab you can also un-subscribe users from the distribution list. This tab displays only if you have set the output option to Send as attachment link.
  6. Select the Report Edit History tab to view the changes made to this report. It displays the date the change was made, the user that made the change, and also lists the changes.


You can download a report from the Last 5 Runs tab.

Last Published Wednesday, January 17, 2024