SIP NAT Function Policies

The following tables lists the SIP NAT function policy parameters you need to configure on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (E-SBC).

Parameter Description
domain suffix Domain name suffix of the external realm. The domain name suffix refers to and must conform to the hostname part of a URI. In combination with the user NAT tag and host NAT tag values, this value is used to help the E-SBC identify an encoded URI that it needs to translate when moving between public and private realms.

This suffix is appended to encoded hostnames that the SIP NAT function creates. For example, if the encoded hostname is ACME-abc123 and the domain-suffix value is, the resulting FQDN will be

address prefix Defines which IPv4 address prefixes from incoming messages require SIP-NAT encoding (regardless of the realm from which these messages came).
tunnel redirect Controls whether Contact headers in a 3xx Response message received by the E-SBC are NATed when sent to the initiator of the SIP INVITE message.
use url parameter Establishes whether SIP headers will use the URL parameter entered in the parameter name for encoded addresses that the SIP NAT function creates. Also, if SIP headers will be used, which type of headers will use the URL parameter. For example, all headers or just the From and To headers. Enumeration field.
parameter name Indicates the name of the URL parameter when use url applies. This field value will be used in SIP NAT encoding addresses that have a use url parameter value of either from-to or all.
user NAT tag Identifies the prefix used when an address is encoded into the username portion of user@host;name=xxxx; where name = parameter name.

The user NAT tag values can consist of any characters that are valid for the userinfo part of a URI. In combination with the domain suffix and host NAT tag field values, this value is used to help the E-SBC identify an encoded URI that it needs to translate when moving between public and private realms.

host NAT tag Identifies the prefix used when encoding an address into the hostname part of the URI or into a URL parameter. The host NAT tag values refer to domain labels and can consist of any characters that are valid for the hostname part of a URI. In combination with the domain suffix and user NAT tag values, this value is used to help the E-SBC identify an encoded URI that it needs to translate when moving between public and private realms.
headers Lists the SIP headers to be affected by the E-SBC SIP NAT function. The URIs in these headers will be translated and encrypted, and encryption will occur according to the rules of this SIP NAT.