Considerations when Booting the Acme Packet 1100 and 3900

The Acme Packet 3900 and Acme Packet 1100 use content in the /boot/usbcPurpose and /boot/usdpMemory files for operation. These files must not be changed manually by the user.

When booting, the Acme Packet 3900 and Acme Packet 1100 uses the /boot/usbcPurpose and /boot/usdpMemory files if they are present, and creates them if they are. If a user has manually changed these files, the 3900 and 1100 does not boot or function correctly.

If any user has made any changes to these files, delete them before rebooting. The system re-creates the files correctly during the reboot.


The /boot/cmdline file may also be present on the system, but is obsolete and does not present this problem.