ACLI Expected Behavior

The following table describes the expected behavior for some of the ACLI commands.

Description of Behavior
Entering options in the ACLI options parameters. Where there are values to specify with an option, you must enter the option name and the values within parentheses. This example shows the correct syntax: ACMEPACKET# options (Methods="INVITE,ACK,PRACK,CANCEL,BYE,INFO,UPDATE,OPTIONS",max-udp-length=0) The following is incorrect syntax: ACMEPACKET# options Methods="INVITE,ACK,PRACK,CANCEL,BYE,INFO,UPDATE,OPTIONS",max-udp-length=0
The ACLI does not support multiple parameters that accept empty strings entered with either quotation marks ( ) or parentheses ( () ).
The edit command does not display as part of the ACLI menu. You can select a configuration to perform edits using the ACLI select command. You can use the no command to delete configuration.
When you want to use spaces as part of a value you enter, the entire entry must be enclosed in quotation marks ( “”). Example: ACMEPACKET# community-name "Acme Packet"
All available parameters for a configuration object are displayed, even when they might be rendered redundant by the presence of another configuration setting. For example, in the static flow configuration, setting the alg-type to none means you don’t need to set several other parameters in for that static flow. Regardless, that static flow configuration displays those parameters.
The session recording servers sub-element in the session recording group configuration supporting adding servers using the plus sign (+) and removing them with the minus sign (-).
All ACLI Help is displayed consistently. Example of new, consistent Help:

<enumeration> transport protocol 
    Default: ALL 

Example of old, inconsistent Help:

<enumeration> transport protocol (default: all) 
    <tcp, udp, icmp, sctp, ipv6-icmp, all> 
ACLI parameters appear in ACLI displayed output even when left empty (have no values configured).
All password values across the ACLI display as a series of 8 asterisks (*).
If the value you want to configure has spaces, you must enclose the enter value in quotation marks () or parentheses ( () ) for it to be accepted.

When configuring values for dates and times, you must use the proper entry format. Entries for date and time entry display both the date and time and adheres to the yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss.zzz format where y=year, m=month, d=day, h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds, and z=milliseconds.

When an attribute is not set, the ACLI displays it as empty in any output.

If there are no sub-elements set up for a configuration that has them, the ACLI displays nothing (for the unconfigured sub-elements).
The value you set in one parameter has no impact on the values you set for any other parameter. This behavior allows you to set parameters in any order you want. The ACLI checks valid values when you execute the done command. For example, it used to be that if the action parameter for header manipulation rule was set to reject, the new value parameter could not be set to any value containing a colon ( : ).
For the content type parameter in the sip-mim-rules configuration, the value was previously converted to type[^] when you carried out the done command. Now the parameter is simply type. The old and new values are equivalent, and there is no impact to functionality.