show xcode load

The show xcode load command shows the current transcoding module (TCM) load both in number of sessions and percent loading. The load percentage depends on the precise mix of codecs, ptimes, and features enabled on the active sessions. The maximum lifetime load is also displayed. Uninstalled TCMs are marked with dashes.

ORACLE#show xcode load
Total Sessions:              0
Licensed AMR Sessions:       0
Licensed AMR-WB Sessions:    0
Licensed EVRC Sessions:      0
Licensed EVRCB Sessions:     0
                   ----- Load -----
  TCU  TCM  #Sess  Current  Maximum
  ===  ===  =====  =======  =======
   0    00     -       -        -
   0    01     -       -        -
   0    02     -       -        -
   0    03     0     0.00%   99.81%
   0    04     0     0.00%   99.81%
   0    05     -       -        -
   0    06     -       -        -
   0    07     -       -        -

The TCU column is populated with a 0 for a TCM in the middle slot and a 1 for a TCM in the top slot.