
The transcoding feature employs several hardware and software alarms to alert the user when the system is not functioning properly or overload conditions are reached.

Name/ID Severity/HealthDegredation Cause(s) Traps Generated
No DSPs Present with Transcoding Feature Card (DSP_NONE_PRESENT) Minor/0 A transcoding feature card is installed but no DSP modules are discovered. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
DSP Boot Failure (DSP_BOOT_FAILURE) Critical/0 A DSP device fails to boot properly at system initialization. This alarm is not health affecting for a single DSP boot failure. DSPs that fail to boot will remain uninitialized and will be avoided for transcoding. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
DSP Communications Timeout (DSP_COMMS_TIMEOUT) Critical/100 A DSP fails to respond after 2 seconds with 3 retry messages. This alarm is critical and is health affecting. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
DSP Alerts (DSP_CORE_HALT) Critical/100 A problem with the health of the DSP such as a halted DSP core. The software will attempt to reset the DSP and gather diagnostic information about the crash. This information will be saved in the /code directory to be retrieved by the user. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
DSP Temperature(DSP_TEMPERATURE_HIGH) Clear 85°C

Warning 86°C / 5

Minor 90°C / 25

Major 95°C/ 50

Critical 100°C/ 100

A DSP device exceeds the temperature threshold. If the temperature exceeds 90°C, a minor alarm will be set. If it exceeds 95°C, a major alarm will be set. If it exceeds 100°C, a critical alarm will be set. The alarm is cleared if the temperature falls below 85°C. The alarm is health affecting. apSysMgmtHardwareErrorTrap
Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm (XCODE_UTIL_OVER_THRESHOLD) / 131329 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm will be raised when the transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95%. The alarm will be cleared after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm warns the user that transcoding resources are nearly depleted. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed AMR Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131330 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the AMR transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed AMR-WB Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131331 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the AMR-WB transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed EVRC Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131332 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the EVRC transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap
Licensed EVRCB Transcoding Capacity Threshold Alarm/131333 Clear 80%

Warning 95%

A warning alarm is triggered if the EVRCB transcoding capacity exceeds a high threshold of 95% of licensed session in use. The alarm clears after the capacity falls below a low threshold of 80%. This alarm is not health affecting. apSysMgmtGroupTrap