Arbitrary LRT Lookup Key

In addtion to the standard From, To, and and P-Asserted-Identity header fields the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can now use the values from any arbitrary SIP header as an LRT or ENUM lookup key. This is preformed by prepending a dollar sign $ by the header name whose value’s userinfo portion of the URI will be used as the lookup key. For example, key=$Refer-To would use the userinfo portion of the URI in the Refer-To header of the request as the lookup key.

An ampersand & followed by a header name will use the whole value of the header as the lookup key. For example, key=&X-Route-Key would use the whole value of the X-Route-Key as the lookup key. As a shortcut, an ampersand is not required for a "hidden" header. For example, "key=@LRT-Key" would use the value of the @LRT-Key header as the lookup key.