Alias Mapping

Alias mapping permits destination addresses to be modified by a gatekeeper.

When sending an ARQ or an LRQ message to a gatekeeper, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sets the canMapAlias field in that message to true. This setting indicates that the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller accepts modified destination information from the gatekeeper. If the resulting ACF or LCF contains destinationInfo and/or destExtraCallInfo fields, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller copies that information respectively to the destinationAddress and destExtraCallInfo fields of the Setup message. In addition, if the destinationInfo is either type e164 or type partyNumber, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller copies the information into the calledPartyNumber information element (IE) of the Setup message, replacing the existing calledPartyNumber IE.

You do not need to configure special parameters for this feature; it is enabled automatically.