NTP Synchronization

This section provides information about how to set and monitor NTP on your Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.

When an NTP server is unreachable or when NTP service goes down, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller generates traps for those conditions. Likewise, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller clears those traps when the conditions have been rectified. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller considers a configured NTP server to be unreachable when its reach number (whether or not the NTP server could be reached at the last polling interval; successful completion augments the number) is 0. You can see this value for a server when you use the ACLI show ntp server command.

  • The traps for when a server is unreachable and then again reachable are: apSysMgmtNTPServerUnreachableTrap and apSysMgmtNTPServerUnreachableClearTrap
  • The traps for when NTP service goes down and then again returns are: apSysMgmtNTPServiceDownTrap and apSysMgmtNTPServiceDownClearTrap