
order-codecs—The order-codecs parameter is used to re-order the codecs in the m= line as the SDP is passed on to the next step. This parameter overwrites the order modified by the add-codecs-on-egress command, when relevant. The following is valid syntax for this parameter:

  • <blank>—Do not re-order codecs
  • *—You can add a <codec> before or after the * which means to place all unnamed codecs before or after (the position of the *) the named codec. For example:
  • <codec> *—Puts the named codec at the front of the codec list.
  • * <codec>—Puts the named codec at the end of the codec list.
  • <codec1 > * <codec2>—Puts <codec1> first, <codec2> last, and all other unspecified codecs in between them.
  • <codec>—When the * is not specified, it is assumed to be at the end.

Any codec name is allowed in the order-codecs parameter, even those not defined or not transcodable. An * tells the order-codecs parameter where to place unspecified codecs with respect to the named codecs. Refer to the examples below.

  • <blank>—do not reorder m= line
  • PCMU *—Place PCMU codec first, all others follow
  • * PCMU—Place PCMU codec last, all others proceed PCMU
  • G729 * PCMU—Place G729 codec first, PCMU codec last, all others remain in between
  • PCMU—If * is not specified, it is assumed to be at the (PCMU *).