Global SIP Configuration

To configure the SIP configuration:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the system-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-config and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-config

    From this point, you can configure SIP config parameters. To view all SIP config parameters, enter a ? at the system prompt.

  4. registrar-domain—Optional. Define the domain to match against the host part of a URI to determine if a request is addressed to the registrar. If there is a match, the registration caching, NAT traversal, and route to registrar parameter values for the SIP interface are applied to the request. By default, this field remains empty. Available values are:
    • an asterisk (*) to specify the values apply to all requests.

    • any alphanumeric character or any combination of alphanumeric characters. For example,

      A hostname consists of any number of domain labels, separated by dots (.), and one top label. A top label is the last segment of the hostname. It must start with an alphabetical character. After the first character, a top label can consist of any number or combination of alphanumeric characters, including those separated by dashes. The dash must be preceded and followed by alphanumeric characters. A single alphabetical character is the minimum requirement for a hostname field (for example, c to indicate .com).

      When the REGISTER message’s Request-URI has an FQDN, it is matched against the registrar domain’s value to determine if the message needs to be forwarded to the registrar port on the registrar host. The registrar domain’s value is also used when route to registrar is set to enabled, to determine if a request needs to be forwarded to the registrar.

      Only the right-hand part of the domain name in the Request-URI needs to match the registrar domain value. For example, matches However, the entire domain label within the domain name must match. For example, the domain label “” would not match

  5. registrar-host—Define the address of the registrar for which requests for registration caching, NAT traversal, and router to registrar options apply. You can use a specific hostname, a IP address, or a wildcard (*):
    • an asterisk (*) indicates normal routing (local policy, DNS resolution, and so on) is used to determine the registrar’s address.

    • hostname: can consist of any alphanumeric character or any combination of alphanumeric characters (for example, The hostname can consist of any number of domain labels, separated by dots (.), and one top label. You can use the minimum field value of a single alphabetical character to indicate the top label value (for example, c to indicate .com).

    • IPv4 address: must follow the dotted notation format. Each of the four segments can contain a numerical value between zero (0) and 255. For example, An example of a invalid segment value is 256.

      By default, the registrar host field remains empty.

  6. registrar-port—Set the SIP registrar port number. The SIP registrar server configured in this and the registrar host field is the real registrar. Or the values entered in those fields map to the home proxy address and home proxy port of the SIP NAT with external proxy address and external proxy port values that correspond to the real registrar. The default value is 0. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0, 1025

    • Maximum—65535

      The following example shows the values for a single domain and registrar configuration.

              state                          enabled
              operation-mode                 dialog
      dialog-transparency		disabled
              home-realm-id                  acme
              nat-mode                       Public
              registrar-port                 0
              init-timer                     500
              max-timer                      4000
              trans-expire                   32
              invite-expire                  180
              inactive-dynamic-conn          32
              red-sip-port                   1988
              red-max-trans                  10000
              red-sync-start-time            5000
              red-sync-comp-time             1000
              last-modified-date             2005-03-19 12:41:28