Using SIP Port Mapping

When you use SIP port mapping, one or more ACL entries are added to the NAT table to enable the range of ports defined. The NAT table does not support the specification of port ranges. However, it does support masking the port to enable ranges that fall on bit boundaries. For example, an entry for defines the port range of 4096 through 8191.

The algorithm for determining the set of ACLs for the port map range balances the need to represent the range as closely as possible, with the need to minimize the number of ACL entries. For example, a range of 30000 through 39999 would result in the following set of ACLs.

untrusted entries:
intf:vlan source-ip/mask:port/mask dest-ip/mask:port/mask   prot type    index
0/3:0            UDP  static  13
0/3:0            UDP  static  14
0/3:0            UDP  static  15

However, the first entry actually enables ports 28672 though 32767 and the last entry allows port 36864 through 40959. If SIP messages are received on ports outside the configured range (28672 through 29999 or 40000 through 40959 in this case), they are ignored.

Acme Packet recommends you use port map ranges that fall on bit boundaries to ensure the fewest possible ACL entries are created and only the configured ports are allowed by the ACLs. For example, a range of 32768 to 49151 provides for 16,384 signaling ports in a single ACL entry (


If the ACLs added for the port map range do not include the SIP port configured in the SIP interface; the normal SIP ACL entry for the SIP port is also added.