Software-based transcoding alarms and traps

SNMP Traps

The apSysMgmtGroupTrap trap is sent with the MIB OID apSysXCodeG729Capacity to alert you of high G.729 Royalty codec usage. This MIB object is defined in ap-smgmt.mib. It is sent when utilization rises above 95% of licensed capacity. It is cleared when utilization falls below 80% of licensed capacity. The MIB object appears as:
apSysXCodeG729Capacity OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          SysMgmtPercentage
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
                "The percentage of licensed G729 transcoding utilization"
        ::= { apSysMgmtMIBGeneralObjects 35 }


The G729 transcoding utilization alarm is triggered when utilization rises above 95% of licensed capacity. It is cleared when utilization falls below 80% of licensed capacity. The alarm appears as follows on the ACLI:
ID      Task      Severity      First Occurred          Last Occurred
131159  527739792       6       2011-10-11 10:11:49     2011-10-11 10:11:49
Count   Description
1       G729 Transcoding capacity at  97 (over threshold of 95)

Debugging log files

The log file records host based transcoding events based upon logging level.