IWF Termination from SIP

When a call that requires the IWF terminates from the SIP side, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses the mapping scheme in the following table to determine the appropriate H.323 Release Complete Reason code.

SIP Status H.323 Release Complete Reason
300 Multiple Choices Undefined Reason
401 Unauthorized Security Denied
402 Payment Required Undefined Reason
403 Forbidden No Permission
404 Not Found Unreachable Destination
405 Method Not Allowed Undefined Reason
406 Not Acceptable Undefined Reason
407 Proxy Authentication Required Security Denied
408 Request Timeout Adaptive Busy
409 Conflict Undefined Reason
410 Gone Unreachable Destination
411 Length Required Undefined Reason
414 Request-URI Too Large Bad Format Address
415 Unsupported Media Type Undefined Reason
420 Bad Extension Bad Format Address
480 Temporarily Unavailable Adaptive Busy
481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist Undefined Reason
482 Loop Detected Undefined Reason
483 Too Many Hops Undefined Reason
484 Address Incomplete Bad Format Address
485 Ambiguous Undefined Reason
486 Busy Here In Conference
487 Request Terminated Undefined Reason
488 Not Acceptable Here Undefined Reason
500 Internal Server Error Undefined Reason
501 Not Implemented Undefined Reason
502 Bad Gateway Gateway Resource
503 Service Unavailable Gateway Resource
504 Gateway Timeout Adaptive Busy
505 Version Not Supported Invalid Revision
600 Busy Everywhere Adaptive Busy
603 Decline Destination Rejection
604 Does Not Exist Anywhere Unreachable Destination
606 Not Acceptable Undefined Reason