Create a Console Connection

Using a serial connection, you can connect your laptop or PC directly to the Acme Packet hardware. If you use a laptop, you must take appropriate steps to ensure grounding.

One end of the cable plugs into your terminal, and the other end plugs into the RJ-45 Console port on the NIU (or management ports area on the Acme Packet 6300).

To make a console connection to your hardware:

  1. Set the connection parameters for your terminal to the default boot settings:
    • Baud rate: 115,200 bits/second
    • Data bits: 8
    • Parity: No
    • Stop bit: 1
    • Flow control: None
  2. Connect a serial cable to between your PC and the hardware's console port.
  3. Apply power to the hardware.
  4. Enter the appropriate password information when prompted to log into User mode of the ACLI.

    You can set the amount of time it takes for your console connection to time out by setting the console-timeout parameter in the system configuration. If your connection times out, the login sequence appears again and prompts you for your passwords. The default for this field is 0, which means that no time-out is being enforced.