IWF COLP COLR Configuration

You configure IWF COLP/COLR support in the IWF configuration by setting two options:

  • colp-colr-iwf—Setting this option enables support for IWF COLP/COLR
  • colp-colr-country-code—Must be set if you configure the colp-colr-iwf option to recognize or build a national number; the value you enter here:
    • Must be a string of digits from 0 to 9
    • Cannot exceed 32 digits
    • Cannot contain any non-numeric characters; while it allows you to enter them, the system ignores any non-digits characters and so the feature might not work as needed

      To enable IWF COLP/COLR support:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type media-manager and press Enter to access the signaling-related configurations.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type iwf-config and press Enter. The system prompt will change to let you know that you can configure individual
    ORACLE(session-router)# iwf-config
  4. options—Set the options parameter by typing options, a Space, the option names with a plus sign in front, and then press Enter.

    Your entry for the colp-colr-country-code option require that you type in the

    entire option name, an equal sign (=), and then the country code value.

    To enter both options at once, separate the two with one command and enclose your entire entry in quotation marks ( ); see the following example for command-line syntax.

    ORACLE(iwf-config)# options +colp-colr-iwf,colp-colr-country-code=1

    If you type this enter without the plus sign, you will overwrite any previously configured options. In order to append options to the IWF configuration’s options list, you must prepend the new options with a plus sign as shown in the previous example.

  5. Save and activate your configuration.