De-Provisioning Entitlements on an HA Pair

To remove entitlements across both systems in an HA pair, licenses are first de-provisioned on both systems, and then the systems are rebooted, standby then active. The process requires that you carefully confirm system synchronization at nearly every step.


Licenses should be deleted on both nodes during the same service window.

This procedure uses the designations system-1 as the original active and system-2 as the original standby.

  1. Confirm that system-1 and system-2 are healthy and synchronized. First check system health with the show health command on both systems to confirm they are in identical states and healthy.
    • Verify that both systems are in identical health with all processes synchronized with the show health command.


      The following examples may not accurately portray your Oracle Communications product and version combination.
      ORACLE-1# show health
                     Media Synchronized            true
                     SIP Synchronized              true
                     REC Synchronized              disabled
                     MGCP Synchronized             disabled
                     H248 Synchronized             disabled
                     XSERV Synchronized            disabled
                     Config Synchronized           true
                     Collect Synchronized          disabled
                     RADIUS CDR  Synchronized      true
                     Rotated CDRs Synchronized     true
                     IPSEC Synchronized            true
                     Iked Synchronized             disabled
                     TSCF Synchronized             disabled
                     Active Peer Address           
      Redundancy Protocol Process (v3):
                     State                                                   Active
                     Health                                                100
                     Lowest Local Address           
                     1 peer(s) on 2 socket(s):
                     system-2: v3, Standby, health=100, max silence=1050
                            last received from on wancom1:0
      ORACLE-2# show health
                     Media Synchronized            true
                     SIP Synchronized              true
                     REC Synchronized              disabled
                     MGCP Synchronized             disabled
                     H248 Synchronized             disabled
                     XSERV Synchronized            disabled
                     Config Synchronized           true
                     Collect Synchronized          disabled
                     RADIUS CDR  Synchronized      true
                     Rotated CDRs Synchronized     true
                     IPSEC Synchronized            true
                     Iked Synchronized             disabled
                     TSCF Synchronized             disabled
                     Active Peer Address 
      Redundancy Protocol Process (v3):
                     State                                                   Standby
                     Health                                                100
                     Lowest Local Address           
                     1 peer(s) on 2 socket(s):
                     system-1: v3, Active, health=100, max silence=1050
                            last received from on wancom2:0
    Next, confirm that both the saved and running configurations across both systems are at the same version number. The following example verifies that system-1 and system-2 all share version 5 of their current and running configurations. If the configurations are out of sync, use the save-config and activate-config commands to fix this.
    • Verify that the current configurations are in sync on both system-1 and system-2 with the display-current-cfg-version command.
      ORACLE-1# display-current-cfg-version
      Current configuration version is 5
      ORACLE-2# display-current-cfg-version
      Current configuration version is 5
    • Verify that the running configurations are in sync on both system-1 and system-2 with the display-running-cfg-version command.
      ORACLE-1# display-running-cfg-version
      Running configuration version is 5
      ORACLE-2# display-running-cfg-version
      Running configuration version is 5
  2. De-provision or change entitlements/licenses on system-1 with the setup entitlements command. This procedure is explained in the Entitlements Configuration section, but DO NOT reboot the system at this point.
  3. Save and activate the configuration on system-1.
    ORACLE-1# save-config
    checking configuration
    Save-Config received, processing.
    waiting for request to finish
    Request to 'SAVE-CONFIG' has Finished,
    Save complete
    Currently active and saved configurations do not match!
    To sync & activate, run 'activate-config' or 'reboot activate'.
    ORACLE-1# activate-config
    Activate-Config received, processing.
    waiting for request to finish
    Request to 'ACTIVATE-CONFIG' has Finished,
    Activate Complete
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on system-2.
    At the end of this step, identically changed licenses are installed, synchronized, and verified both system-1 and system-2.
  5. Confirm once again that system-1 and system-2 are synchronized exactly as you did in step 1.
  6. Reboot the standby system-2.
    ORACLE-2# reboot
  7. Wait for system-2 to startup and synchronize, then confirm that system-1 and system-2 are fully synchronized as explained in step 1.
  8. Trigger a switchover from system-1 so that the standby system transitions to active, and vice-versa.
    ORACLE-1# notify berpd force
  9. Wait while system-2 transitions to the active state, then confirm that system-1 and system-2 are fully synchronized as explained in step 1.
  10. Reboot the newly-standby system-1.
    ORACLE-1# reboot
  11. Wait for system-1 to complete rebooting, then confirm that system-1 and system-2 are fully synchronized as explained in step 1.
    At this point both systems should be healthy, synchronized, and contain identical license configurations.
  12. If desired, trigger a switchover between the two systems in the HA node so the originally active system (system-1) assumes the active role again.