
Using the import command in the SIP manipulation configuration, you can import data from an exported file to a currently-selected configuration. If you have not selected a configuration into which to load the data, a new one will be created. Including the .gz extension, you enter the full name of the file you want imported. After it finds the file, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller unarchives it and parses its contents. If these steps fail, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will alert you. If they succeed, then the configuration data loads into the object.

If you have been making changes to the configuration into which data was imported, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will inform you prior to importing the data so that you will not lose any of your work. This way, you will be less likely to overwrite unsaved changes.

Once the import is complete, it will be as if you entered the configuration by hand. You only need to save your work (by typing done) to save the SIP manipulation to the global SIP configuration. Note that if for some reason the XML is malformed or contained more than one object, the import will fail.

If you attempt to import a configuration with the same key as one that already exists, the system returns an error and prevents you from saving the imported object. In this case, you can delete the object with the same key and then carry out your import, or you can select the object with the same key and perform an import that will overwrite it with new data.