TACACS+ Faults

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller supports two TACACS+ traps, apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap and apSysMgmtTacacsDownClearTrap.

The apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap is generated when a TACACS+ server becomes unreachable.

The apSysMgmtTacacsDownClearTrap is generated when a TACACS+ server that was unreachable becomes reachable.

The E-SBC searches for a TACACS+ server until it finds an available one and then stops searching. However, in the TACACS+ SNMP implementation, SNMP expects the E-SBC to make connection attempts to all servers. When there is only one TACACS+ server and that server goes down, the E-SBC behaves normally, sending a apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap trap when the server goes down, and a apSysMgmtTacacsDownClearTrap trap when the server comes back up. When there is more than one TACACS+ server and the active server goes down, an apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap trap is sent, indicating that some servers are down and the next server is tried. If all servers fail, an apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap is sent indicating that all servers are down. If one of the servers comes back up while the rest are still down, an apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap is sent indicating that some servers are still down.