SIP Per-User CAC

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s call admission control (CAC) supports an enhanced degree of granularity for SIP sessions.

Without this feature enabled, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller performs call admission control (CAC) based on:

  • Bandwidth limits configured in realms and nested realms
  • Number of media flows available through the steering pool per realm
  • Number of inbound sessions configured for a SIP session agent
  • Number of total sessions (inbound and outbound) per SIP session agent
  • Use of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s support for common open policy service (COPS), allowing the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to perform CAC based on the policies hosted in an external policy server

These methods provide a basic level of call admission control in order to ensure that a SIP session agent’s capacity is not exceeded. You can also ensure that signaling and media bandwidth capacities are not exceeded for physical trunks and peers.

With this feature enabled, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller changes behavior so that it will only allow the configured number of calls or total bandwidth to and from each user in a particular realm. The overall realm bandwidth and steering pool limits still apply, and as before, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller still rejects users who might be within their CAC limitations if accepting them with exceed the bandwidth limitations for parent or child realms and steering pools.

For SIP sessions, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller now keeps track of the amount of bandwidth a user consumes and the number of active sessions per address of record (AoR) or per IP address, depending on the CAC mode you select (either aor or ip). When an endpoint registers with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, theOracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller allots it a total amount of bandwidth and total number of sessions.

This section describes the details of how SIP per user CAC works.

You should note that the functionality this section describes only works if you enable registration caching on your Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.

For SIP sessions, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller now keeps track of the amount of bandwidth a user consumes and the number of active sessions per address of record (AoR) or per IP address, depending on the CAC mode you select (either aor or ip). When an endpoint registers with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller allots it a total amount of bandwidth and total number of sessions.