Account Server

You must establish the list of servers to which the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can send accounting messages.

  1. hostname—Name of the host associated with the account server as an IP address.
  2. port—Enter the number of the UDP port associated with the account server to which RADIUS messages are sent. The default value is 1813. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—1025

    • Maximum—65535

  3. state—Enable or disable the account servers on the system. The default value is enabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  4. min-round-trip—Indicate the minimum round trip time of an accounting message in milliseconds. The default value is 250. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—10

    • Maximum—5000

      A round trip consists of the following:

      The system sends an accounting message to the account server.

      The account server processes this message and responds back to the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.

      If the fastest RTT is the strategy for the account configuration, the value you enter here can be used to determine an order of preference (if all the configured account servers are responding in less than their minimum RTT).

  5. max-inactivity—Indicate the length of time in seconds that you want the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller with pending accounting messages to wait when it has not received a valid response from the target account server. The default value is 60. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—1

    • Maximum—300

      Once this timer value is exceeded, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller marks the unresponsive account server as disabled in its failover scheme. When a server connection is marked as inactive, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller attempts to restart the connection and transfers pending messages to another queue for transmission. RADIUS messages might be moved between different account servers as servers become inactive or disabled.

  6. restart-delay—Indicate the length of time in seconds you want the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to wait before resending messages to a disabled account server. The default value is 30. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—1

    • Maximum—300

  7. bundle-vsa—Retain the default enabled if you want the account server to bundle the VSAs within RADIUS accounting messages. Enter disabled if you do not want the VSAs to be bundled. (Bundling means including multiple VSAs within the vendor value portion of the message.) The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

      In a bundled accounting message, the RADIUS message type is vendor-specific, the length is determined for each individual message, and the vendor portion begins with a 4-byte identifier, and includes multiple vendor type, vendor length, and vendor value attributes.

  8. secret—Enter the secret passed from the account server to the client in text format. Transactions between the client and the RADIUS server are authenticated by the shared secret; which is determined by the source IPv4 address of the received packet.
  9. NAS-ID—Enter the NAS ID in text format (FQDN allowed). The account server uses this value to identify the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller for the transmittal of accounting messages.

    The remote server to which the account configuration sends messages uses at least one of two potential pieces of information for purposes of identification. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller accounting messages always includes in the first of these:

    • Network Access Server (NAS) IP address (the IP address of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s SIP proxy)

    • NAS ID (the second piece of information) provided by this value. If you enter a value here, the NAS ID is sent to the remote server.