Holidays Configuration

To configure holidays:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the system-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-router-config and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-router-config
  4. Type holidays and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router-config)# holidays

    From this point, you can configure the holidays subelement. To view all holidays parameters, enter a ? at the system prompt.

                    date                           2005-01-01
                    description                    New Years Day

    To configure a holiday, add an entry for the following parameters in the holidays element:

  5. date—Enter the holiday’s date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  6. description—Enter a short description for the holiday you are configuring. If the description contains words separated by spaces, enter the full description surrounded by quotation marks.