Interworking Gatekeeper-Gateway

This section explains how signaling takes place when the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller functions as an interworking gatekeeper-gateway for H.323. The following diagram shows the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller acting as an interworking gatekeeper-gateway.

When you configure your Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller for interworking gatekeeper-gateway mode, one H.323 interface behaves as a B2BGW and its associated interface for the corresponding network behaves like a gatekeeper proxy and gateway. The interface for the gatekeeper proxy and gateway issues and responds to LRQ messages on its network. If the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller knows the gatekeeper in the network of the gateway interface (Zone 2), it sends an LRQ to that gatekeeper. If the gatekeeper responds with an LCF or LRJ, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller forwards it.

If the gatekeeper (in Zone 2) is unknown, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller responds to LRQs on the gatekeeper-gateway network (Zone 1) by using the local policy to determine the appropriate destination for the LRQ. If there is no local policy that matches, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends an LRJ.

For this configuration, the gateway interface has its service mode (isgateway) set to enabled, and the gatekeeper interface has its service mode (isgateway) set to disabled.