Keeping Pinholes Open at the Endpoint

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller provides configurable TCP NAT interval on a per-realm basis. You need to configure a NAT interval for the applicable realm to support either all conforming or all non-conforming endpoints.

  • Conforming endpoints use the draft-jennings sipping-outbound-01. It describes how to keep the endpoint keeps the connection alive.


    Currently the endpoint uses REGISTER.
  • Non-conforming endpoints have short NAT interval, where the HNT application with the TCP connection for TLS operates as it does for regular TCP. We give the UA a shorter expires time so that it refreshes frequently, implicitly forcing the UA to keep the TVP socket open and reuse it for further requests (in-dialog or out-of-dialog). Regular requests using TLS sent from the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to the UA reuse the same TCP connection so that further TLS certificate exchanges are not required.