Configuration Overview

You configure the SIP feature element to define option tag names and their treatment by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller when the option tag appears in a Supported header, a Require header, and a Proxy-Require header. If an option tag is encountered that is not configured as a SIP feature, the default treatments apply. You only need to configure option tag handling in the SIP feature element when non-default treatment is required.

You can specify whether a SIP feature should be applied to a specific realm or globally across realms. You can also specify the treatment for an option based on whether it appears in an inbound or outbound packet. Inbound packets are those that are coming from a realm to the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and outbound packets are those which are going from the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to the realm.

The following tables lists the SIP option tag parameters you need to configure.

Parameter Description
name SIP feature tag name
realm Realm name with which the feature will be associated. To make the feature global, leave the field empty.
support mode inbound Action for tag in Supported header in an inbound packet.
require mode inbound Action for tag in Require header in an inbound packet
proxy require mode inbound Action for tag in Proxy-Require header in an inbound packet
support mode outbound Action for tag in Supported header in an outbound packet
require mode outbound Action for tag in Require header in an outbound packet
proxy require mode outbound Action for tag in Proxy-Require header in an outbound packet